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Canadian Royalties
Project type

Mining Facilities

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Canadian Royalties

Our commitment toward the company Canadian Royalties consisted at first, to prepare cost assessment of the building envelope and to supply technical assistance. In the following phases, Honco was mandated for the design and the fabrication of the steel building, as well as the construction management of the Central Heating Plant. Honco’s expertise cumulated over the years has allowed our team to meet client expectations and requirements. Honco has carried out the relevant staff and quality control measures in all the stages of the process to ensure success. Specifically for this project, Honco coordinated all the openings for the installation of the equipments. Honco provides professionnal services to commensurate with the level of investment involved in such operations.


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1190, Chemin Industriel
Lévis, Québec
Canada, G7A 1B1
Toll free : +1 (855) 546-2245
7800, rue Bombardier, bureau 201
Anjou, Québec
Canada, H1J 2G3
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