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Maçonnerie Dynamique
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Maçonnerie Dynamique

Located in Charlesbourg, Maçonnerie Dynamique specializes in masonry in the fields of industrial construction and renovation as well as in the restoration of heritage and historic buildings. For this mandate, Honco obtained a construction contract which included the design, supply and installation of the building, doors and windows, insulation and interior metal cladding.

The experience of the Honco team was used for the preparation of budgets in the pre-feasibility and implementation phase. Our services were retained for the supply and installation of the structures and the building envelope. The curved roof building is 21 m in front by 61 m in width as well as 6 m in height.


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1190, Chemin Industriel
Lévis, Québec
Canada, G7A 1B1
Toll free : +1 (855) 546-2245
7800, rue Bombardier, bureau 201
Anjou, Québec
Canada, H1J 2G3
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