Insulated Steel Building Adapted to Extreme Weather - Honco
1 418 831-2245


Posted on November 6, 2017


It has been said that for many countries, future economic prosperity lies in the north. But for Canada, Russia, and other nations, this means buildings must be developed to withstand extreme cold and operate efficiently in order to offset high utility costs. And that’s why Honco is regarded as the metal building manufacturer of choice.

Three basic elements of any building are needed to combat extreme weather: a strong envelope; sound ceilings; and superior insulation. For the first element, Honco uses steel gauges superior to that of conventional siding, and the corrugations of the material optimizes its strength.

Unlike standard buildings whose siding is screwed to the structure and can eventually loosen, the entire Honco envelope is designed to withstand local climate loads: once bolted together, the wall, roof, and ceiling panels form a strong and long-lasting envelope.

Honco’s structural ceilings are vital to energy efficiency. Made of aluminum-zinc alloy coated steel, the panels provide greater light reflection, meaning the number of interior lighting fixtures can be significantly reduced. The panels also emit three times less radiant heat than wood and paint.

As for insulation, Honco provides one of the most efficient systems in the construction industry, since the walls contain no framing columns or girts that can compress the material and create thermal bridges. It is installed from the inside of the wall using brackets and wood lathing, as an extension of the foundation insulation, and using a reinforced aluminum vapour barrier that reflects heat.

Another Honco advantage in extreme weather regions is that most buildings don’t have space to aerate the insulation material, thus causing it to be permeated with condensation over time and mitigating its effectiveness; but the attic space in Honco buildings is continually aerated by a ventilation system, keeping the insulation permanently dry.

The durability of Honco’s buildings make them suitable for virtually any climate, but with more and more business and industries locating north, the company continues to be relied upon for structures that make living with extreme weather comfortable.

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